Summer 2017

elijah watkins featured image

The summer solstice has finally come to an end. Moreover, my favorite season is right on the cusp, the autumnal equinox (aka fall).

I wrote this blog partly so I don't forget how much I did this summer, but I really wrote this to give me some peace-of-mind.

While a lot of my friends were traveling to different countries, on tour with kendrick lamar, or were enjoying the bliss of sunbathing on the beach, I had a very boring summer mainly working on different projects to pay the bills.

my weekends were usually spent at home reading or resting...the weekends that I could anyways. Very boring, I know! But this summer I learned Austin Kleon's #9 rule in Steal Like an Artist actually reigned true.

 "Be Boring (it's the only way to get work done)"- Austin Kleon

So, ladies and gentlemen here's the brief timeline of the not so boring stuff I was able get done during Summer 2017.



